We provide support to incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and system impacted students by conducting outreach events, supporting them through community college, preparing them for the UC, sharing educational resources on how to apply to UCI, coaching them through the UC application process, offering campus tours, and workshops to navigate the education system.
- Transfer Program: UC application support for formerly incarcerated community college students.
- Ambassador Program: Employment, training, and leadership development for formerly incarcerated community college students.
- Incarceration to College: College pathways workshops for incarcerated youth.
- Campus Tours & Outreach: Tours and workshops for carceral-system-impacted community college and high school students.
- Incarcerated Scholars Program: Correspondence academic advising for incarcerated community college students.
- Cross Enrollment Program: Dual enrollment programming for formerly incarcerated community college students to take one course at UCI.
Our retention program provides formerly incarcerated and system-impacted students with a space on campus to meet and study, academic tutoring and advising, peer coaching, leadership development, student employment, community events, and workshops on how to navigate UCI.
- Tutoring & Academic Advising: We provide or sponsor tutoring for students to ensure their academic success. We also offer support with grad school and law school applications, scholarships, and fellowship applications.
- Underground Scholars Initiative: We support USI, a student org that supports formerly incarcerated students by building community, hosting events, and engaging on campus.
- Research: We provide support and guidance for our members to pursue top research opportunities with programs such as the Summer Academic Enrichment Program and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).
- Leadership Development: We provide training and opportunities for students to engage as leaders in USP, USI, and the broader community. We do this through political education, creating opportunities for students to teach & present their research, creating supported leadership roles for students, and connecting students to other leaders and mentors at UC Irvine and beyond.
- Jobs/Scholarships/Stipends: We employ students to support our programs. We offer basic needs and transition stipends to current students. We also support scholarship applications.
- Space & Other Resources: We have dedicated space in Student Services 2 Building, Room 1002 where students can meet, study, get support, coffee/tea, and free printing.
- Department of Rehabilitation: We guide students through the application process to receive off-campus financial support.
- Orientation: we host a yearly orientation for incoming Underground Scholars.
- Graduation: We hold a yearly graduation celebration, and support students with the purchase of a cap and gown.
- Professional Development Funding: We provide funding for professional development activities such as Graduate School Prep, Networking Events, and others. The Professional Development Funding Request Form can be found here.
- Electronics Checkout: We provide electronics rental and accessories. The Electronics Checkout Form can be found here.
- USP Emergency Grant Funding: If you are facing financial hardship and would like to request an emergency grant from the UCI Underground Scholars Program, see the USP Emergency Grant Funding Request form for more information.
We advocate for currently and formerly incarcerated students and their families. In addition to individual advocacy for students on campus and on parole/probation, we engage in local, state, and national policy advocacy to remove barriers and create opportunity for currently and formerly incarcerated people. We also train formerly incarcerated and system-impacted students to be policy advocates.
- Access to Higher Education: Were working to build a prison to university pipeline by increasing the number of formerly incarcerated people in higher education. We do this in our own program and also by supporting students advocating for policies that increase access to higher education for all currently and formerly incarcerated people.
- Individual Advocacy: We provide individual advocacy to students facing discrimination or barriers to education, employment, housing, and benefits due to their arrest and/or criminal conviction history.
- Legislative Advocacy: In partnership with the Berkely Underground Scholars Policy Institute, we train and supports students in leading state legislative advocacy efforts to pass bills in support of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students.
- Language: We advocate for the use of humanizing language when referring to people with convictions. Our common vernacular – in conversation, in the law, in media, and in academia – is filled with dehumanizing language. We denounce labels like “felon”, “ex-offender”, “inmate”, and “criminal” and insist on being called what we are – people.
- Letters of Support: We offer letters of support for parole hearings for the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students we work with.
- Wellness Retreat: We host a yearly wellness retreat to allow student to decompress and build community.
- We hold wellness events on and off campus such as, community circles, art therapy, and socials.